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Who is Leyton Benta?

Straight out from London, UK. Leyton Benta is a multi-award-winning, independent singer, songwriter, actor and entrepreneur. His purpose is to bring love and authenticity into music. Reinventing substances globally. His journey intends to leave a foundation for all generations and backgrounds, as there is a song to be apprehended for everyone.


From being forced at age 6 to participating in a school Christmas concert, Leyton's iconic journey led to being one of the most inspirational stamps in the music world today. Seeing the world as his priority to transform lives through being and remaining true to his entire authentic self, along with timeless contributions to serving refreshing clean music from the heart unto humanity. Breaking the norm unapologetically was very crucial to all of Leyton's inputs. He used his life experiences of bullying, heartbreak, racism, prejudice, and life and career-threatening risks amongst rejections to be placed into something meaningful to transform the lives of other vessels throughout his existence. 'Awakening the unknown' was amongst many of his mantras to reinforce inner strength.


Leyton has achieved ten accolades throughout his independent journey without any record labels. Agents. Marketors, or any particular management behind him. To give names of these achievements, in 2016, he won a Beffta Award for 'Best unsigned artist'. In 2018 He won a Platinum Star Award and came 1st place out of 66 countries in the world for 'Star Ppl' based in Miami, Florida. In 2019 He won 'Best Singer Act' and 'Best Single Release' for his record 'Chrysalis Smile', which was dedicated to all children with disabilities, for the 'DCS & Hotshots recognition Awards'. Furthermore, in 2019, later the same year, he won a 'Legend Award' and a 'Making a Difference award for all of his services given to humanity in his Music Career. In 2021, he was awarded an 'Inspirational artist Award' for his true grafting on his path. This was for the 'AAASUCCESSAwards'.

Recently, Leyton has been honoured with a 'Gentlemen of heart award' for this year, 2022, for his resilience in standing firm in his purpose to better the world.

And lastly, the fantastic leader has been honoured with an 'Unsung Hero Award' for the individual consciousness that he brings forward to speaking for the silent throughout his music career amongst humanity overall. This is for the Pinache Global Entertainment awards. More establishments are yet to be announced upon its official release.


Leyton's vision is a lot larger than just the music itself. It was always about healing the motherland. Every day, he consistently fights to bring more hope through love. Erasing hostile infiltrations in the world. He isn't afraid of giving his life through his world and could never be restrained from doing so. The rightful foundation and sea of people will always follow through. Leyton's success continues to be an iconic asset to the lives of many.



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